St-Anthony's School RAHRAI

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St-Anthony Higher Secondary School
Rahrai, Rahra PO 244255, Amroha district. Uttar Pradesh. To be affiliated to CBSE, Delhi (CBSE Affiliation No.-)
School No.-
Phone : 8954305245

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St.Anthny's School, situated in Rahrai village, Amroha District in Uttar Pradesh opened its doors to the children of this region in 2016. Like our first project in Dugawar, in this region too, the only way to provide quality education and to introduce changes in the society was to build up a school on our own and use it as a centre of development for the villages around. Land for the school project was purchased in the year 2014. Construction work started as soon as the formalities of the land purchase was over, in 2015. The school welcomed 180 children from classes Nursery to Primary 2 in the first year, 2016. One grade will be added each subsequent year until it reaches class 12.

The medium of education is English. Requirements for the affiliation to CBSE are already completed. The school is well equipment with library, computer lab and sports items.School building is also used as a centre for social projects.

Girl children from deserving families are sponsored. Qualified teachers are rare in the area and we have teachers also from Kerala, Orissa and Tamilnadu. Family visits are conducted by teaching staff. School provides transportation facilities to the children. Three school buses and one van were purchased in the years 2016 and 2018.

CBSE Affiliation

The following documents are published following the CBSE Mandatory Public Disclosure demand (Appendix IX) :